An energetic brain break is always a welcome activity in the middle of a busy day. These playful, active, and enriching brain break ideas will be fun for a small or large group of children.
1. Category Caper
Time: 10 minutes
This activity can be done in a small space. All of the movements can be performed in place.
Identify 3 categories: i.e., colors, fruits, vegetables.
Then, match an action to each category, i.e. color = jump, fruit = sit, vegetable = run in place.
Name, show a picture, or hold up an object and the children will categorize it.
The children then perform the corresponding action.
*This game should progress quickly, to keep the children moving constantly from sitting to jumping, to running.
2. Time to Rhyme
Time: 10-15 minutes
This activity can be done in a small space. All of the movements can be performed in place.
1. Say the following poem line by line, allowing the children to respond in movement to each movement prompt.
I like to march right under the arch.
I like to jump and land with a thump.
I like to learn how to turn.
I like to run – it's so much fun.
I like to hop then quickly stop.
I like to freeze and bend my knees.
2. Repeat the activity, and instead of saying the action word, give the rhyming word and encourage the children to fill in the blank with the appropriate motor skill. For example, say, " I like to _______, and land with a thump." Once the children guess the action word, they respond in movement.
3. Vary this activity for a larger space. Ask the children to think of rhyming words for the following additional motor skills: walk, crawl, slide, gallop, prance
3. My Turn!
Time: 10-15 minutes, depending on the number of children
Materials: Movements written on file cards, one movement per card (enough for one per child, or several per child for a small group).
With the children standing evenly spaced in a circle, say to them: We will go around the circle and each child will have a turn. I am going to choose a card from this stack. When it is your turn, you will do the movement on the card.
Movement suggestions:
- Touch your toes
- Jump as high as you can
- Turn around on your tiptoes
- Balance on one foot
- Shake your whole body
- Make a silly shape and a silly face
- Touch your nose to the floor
- Make an upside down shape
- Imagine you are very sad, and then very happy
- Hop on one foot
- Play air guitar
- Go down to the floor very slowly, then come back up quickly
- Balance on your tiptoes as long as you can
- Make a narrow shape and then a wide one
- Make a twisty shape like a pretzel
- Sit on the floor, then stand up and reach your arms high
- Stomp your feet without making any noise
- Take baby steps and make a circle around yourself
- Jump with your feet wide apart, and then with your feet together
- Make a shape with two hands and one foot touching the floor
Once you have gone around the circle, shuffle the cards and go around again, if the children are still engaged in the activity.
Other suggestions for continuing the activity:
*Ask the children to think of their own movements as you go around again
*Ask the children which one was their favorite movement, and have them all do their favorite movements at the same time
*Continuing with the favorite movement idea, ask them to repeat their favorite movements five times in a row
*Play a lively musical selection, and allow the children to move about in the shared space, trying out many of the movement ideas from the circle.
Keep on Dancing,